
[转载游戏] 华丽的龙珠格斗[250MB]【7.6】


Dragonball Mugen Edition 2007 v2.00 | PC Game | 250MB

As fighting games go this is a fairly well put together game. It issmooth enough, with good good graphics and sound, especially for thesize of the download. Of course what makes this Dragonball MUGENEdition really cool is that it's DragonBall ! All of your favouritecharacters are here for you to pit agaist each other. I thought it wasquite good, and the number of different characters you can play asgives depth.

很多朋友问到出招的问题,这里说一下:游戏目录里有个chars的文件夹,里面有很多以角色名字命名的文件夹,是存放角色相关的文件的。每个角色文件夹里面都有一个 “角色名.cmd ”   的文件,是定义动作的,用记事本打开,里面就有这个人物的出招设定。
B是后,D是下,F是前,U是上 ,a,b,c,x,y,z就代表六个按键


name = "hcombo"
command = ~B, DB, D, DF, F, z
time = 30
这个表示出招操作就是 后,下后,下,下前,前 + Z 键
就是 方向逆时针半圈后,按z键就出招叫 hcombo 的

name = "KiBlast"
command = ~D, DF, F, b
这个KiBlast就是 下,下前,前+b
就是 由下到左 1/4圈后 按 b键

[ 本帖最后由 roxhaiy 于 2007-7-7 01:28 编辑 ]
发帖时间:2007-07-06 13:02:57   |   回复数:131