
[MP3音乐] VA-Sacred Spa Music[320K/MP3][1.02G][BT]


【專輯名稱】: VA - Sacred Spa Music Series Collection

【歌手姓名】: VA

【發行日期】: 2000-2008

【專輯流派】: New age, Relaxing, Meditating, Sacred Spa



【驗證全碼】: 3A6D769681BEF2524EF5FB3B0B7A124D06754E5E

Artist: VA

Title Of Album: Sacred Spa Music Series

Year Of Release: 2000-2005

Label: US

Genre: New age, Relaxing, Meditating, Sacred Spa

Quality: MP3

Bitrate: 320 Kbps

Total Time: 04:49:28

Total Size: 625 MB

Sacred Spa Music Series - 2000 - Infinity

1. Love's Story by Paul Machlis

2. Silence by Bliss

3. Sweet Return by Hilary Stagg

4. I Watched Her from Afar by Brian BecVar

5. Oceansky by 2002

6. To Sleep on Angel's Wings by Kevin Kern

7. We All Fall in Love Sometimes by Kevin Kern

8. Starwalkers by 2002

9. Precious Memories by Jim Chappell

10. For My Love by Hilary Stagg

11. The First Night by Gary Remal Malkin

12. Anahata by Egil Fylling

Sacred Spa Music Series - 2001 - Letting The world Go By 藍色假期


《Letting The World Go By 藍色假期》收集了眾多名家的名曲,



第四軌Zen Breakfast 是大名頂頂的 Karunesh (卡茹納希)的作品,

在new age新世紀音樂界中的頂端高手了;

還有第9軌Another Realm是Kevin Kern (凱文·科恩)的作品,


我認為《Letting The World Go By 藍色假期》是

Various Artists系列專輯當中最為好聽的,


1. Dawn - Bernard L'Hoir

2. Long Way Home - Bernward Koch

3. Embrace - Govi

4. Zen Breakfast - Karunesh

5. Together Forever - Danny Wright

6. Summer of 300 Years - 2002

7. Thinking of You - Hilary Stagg

8. Little Sydney (Excerpt) - Bernard L'Hoir

9. Another Realm - Kevin Kern

10. Sea of Dreams - 2002

11. Festive - Bernward Koch

Sacred Spa Music Series - 2002 - Quiet Days 恬靜時光

1. The Calling by 2002

2. Pastel Reflections by Kern, Kevin

3. Pleasant Dreams by Stagg, Hilary

4. So Far Away by Hoppe, Michael

5. Dark Falls the Night by Wheater, Tim

6. Love's Story by Paul Machlis

7. Pachelbel Canon in D bu Stagg, Hilary

8. Quiet Days Bernard L'Hoir

9. Realms of Splendor by 2002

10. Eventide Hoppe, Michael

11. After the Rain by Kern, Kevin

12. Reflections of Love by Stagg, Hilary

Sacred Spa Music Series - 2002 - Wrapped In Stillness 時間的面紗

時間面紗專輯簡介 :

《Quiet Days 》是Real Music唱片公司的減壓精選輯《Sacred Spa Music Series》套裝CD第1張。 “在這套選輯中,這張《Quiet Days》是我最喜愛的。它收錄的曲目中不乏凱文•柯恩、希拉蕊•斯坦格、保羅•麥可利斯、提姆•懷特等名師的優秀作品,此外,新世紀鋼琴家麥克爾•霍普那靈魂深處的感性也將透過這音樂向你傳遞出一番靜謐詩情。

在平靜詳和的氛圍中,每首樂曲都獨具特色,伴隨著悠揚的旋律你會忍不住舒展四肢,神思迷離。鋼琴、豎琴、長笛的音色如同按摩師巧妙的手,撫摩你的每一處輪廓,撫育你的靈魂深處。或許,它曾輕輕碰觸到那幽幽的哀傷,但卻能劃出一抹憂鬱的美麗,讓你的心緩緩墜落,而後便深深的陷入柔情肆意的迷醉中。掃去心中久落的灰塵,仿如洗滌過一般,脫塵彌新,重返樸實無華的自然身心。” ---(資深樂評人凱茜•帕森)

在選輯中,這張《Wrapped in Stillness》(又譯《時間的面紗》)



而希拉里·斯黛格的豎琴天籟「不死 傳說」也肯定曾令你魂牽夢繞。


提姆·懷特你應該不陌 生,在這張專輯中,



無論是任按摩師輕撫過你 的每一寸肌膚,還是全身浸入沐浴的芳香中,



因為專輯 所要營造的氛圍,就是為了讓你逐漸回歸到原始的平靜,


在與水交融的一刻,環繞在你周圍的音樂 會隨之滲透你的肌膚,


在現代都市中,快節奏的工作壓力與多樣的生活模式經常會令我們身心疲憊不堪。在倍感壓力時,我們總會去尋求身體的放鬆。但你可曾真正體驗過那精神的解放?Real Music唱片公司此次便為你“量身打造”出一套精華選輯。選輯全稱《Sacred Spa Music Series》,由三張薈萃經典曲目的CD組合而成。每當你躺在按摩床上,體驗水療法的輕柔及神效時,是否對缺少適情適景的音樂感到過遺憾?那麼,擁有這套選輯,你就不會再若有所失了。在選輯中,這張《Wrapped in Stillness》(又譯《時間的面紗》)尤為適合按摩休養所用。專輯中,凱文‧柯恩悠揚的鋼琴曲目自然是必不可少,而希拉瑞莉‧斯黛格的豎琴天籟“不死傳說”也肯定曾令你魂牽夢繞。此外,保羅‧麥可利斯、蓋理‧裡摩爾‧麥金、法蘭克‧史丹等新世紀配樂大師的經典作品也被收錄其中。堤姆‧懷特你應該不陌生,在這張專輯中,你同樣也能領略到這位新紀元音樂治療大師的魅力。聽完整張專輯不過一個小時,但卻可以令你擁有飄飄欲仙的享受。無論是任按摩師輕撫過你的每一寸肌膚,還是全身浸入沐浴的芳香中,都可以讓這張專輯引領你達到放鬆的最佳狀態。你必須懷著平靜的心緒靜靜的聆聽,才能感受到精華之所在。因為專輯所要營造的氛圍,就是為了讓你逐漸回歸到原始的平靜,在這段毫無雜念的平靜時光裡,疲憊的心靈才能得到有效的修復。在與水交融的一刻,環繞在你周遭的音樂會隨之滲透你的肌膚,徹底的清洗心靈和體內世界。在渾然天成的境界中,它滿足了你,你也回應了它。


  這張《Wrapped in Stillness》(時間的面紗)是這套系列專輯之一。專輯中,凱文‧柯恩悠揚的鋼琴曲目自然是必不可少,而希拉瑞莉‧斯黛格的豎琴天籟“不死傳說”也肯定曾令你魂牽夢繞。此外,保羅‧麥可利斯、蓋理‧裡摩爾‧麥金、法蘭克‧史丹等新世紀配樂大師的經典作品也被收錄其中。堤姆‧懷特你應該不陌生,在這張專輯中,你同樣也能領略到這位新紀元音樂治療大師的魅力。聽完整張專輯不過一個小時,但卻可以令你擁有飄飄欲仙的享受。你必須懷著平靜的心緒靜靜的聆聽,才能感受到精華之所在。因為專輯所要營造的氛圍,就是為了讓你逐漸回歸到原始的平靜,在這段毫無雜念的平靜時光裡,疲憊的心靈才能得到有效的修復。在與水交融的一刻,環繞在你周遭的音樂會隨之滲透你的肌膚,徹底的清洗心靈和體內世界。在渾然天成的境界中,它滿足了你,你也回應了它

曲目 :

01. Inspirations 靈感 - Hilary Stagg

02. Nightblossom 花開花落 - Paul Machlis

03. The First Night 笫一夜 - Gary Malkin

04. Elysian Fields 歡樂的田野 - 2002樂團

05. New Terrain 陌生地帶 - Hilary Stagg

06. A Gentle Whisper 低語 - Kevin Kern

07. Mountain 山之選段 - Frank Steiner Jr

08. Land of Forever 彼岸 - 2002樂團

09. Appalachian Sunrise 太陽升起 - Gary Malkin

10. Feeling It All 心的體驗 - Hilary Stagg

11. Seventh Ray 一線光芒 - Tim Wheater

Sacred Spa Music Series - 2005 - Touching Beauty

1. Little Moritz by Bernward Koch

2. Song for Sarah by Michael Hoppe

3. Through the Arbor by Kevin Kern

4. Secret Dreams by Michel Rubini

5. Kuan Yin by Troika

6. Morfa Bychan by Huw Warren

7. K'un (Earth) by Frank Steiner, Jr.

8. Dance with a Princess by 2002

9. Before Night Falls by Bernard Lhoir

10. Sunset Glow by Bernward Koch

11. Peaceful Heart by Gandalf

12. Unspoken Words by Hiko

13. Morning Light by 2002

14. Seventh Ray by Tim Wheater

15. White Shadow by Back to Earth


VA - Sacred Spa Music Series 2 - 2008

Artist: VA

Title Of Album: Sacred Spa Music Series 2

Year Of Release: 2008

Label: US

Genre: New age, Relaxing, Meditating, Sacred Spa

Quality: MP3

Bitrate: 320 Kbps

Total Time: 03:01:09

Total Size: 416.87 MB

繼前一個Sacred Spa Music Series系列專輯(總共有五張專輯)發行之後,

時隔2年的時間,read music又發行Sacred Spa Music Series 2 這個系列。總共有四張專輯。

Contentment 水療音樂系列 2 〈知足常樂〉

Finding Balance 水療音樂系列 2 〈發現平衡〉

Journey to Wellness 水療音樂系列 2 〈健康之道〉



“Sacred Spa Music Series 2”是 Real Music 2008年年底發行的健康減壓音樂系列,專輯中收錄了多位新世紀音樂大師旋律優美的精品,包括:Kevin Kern、Omar Akram、Gandalf、Danny Wright、2002 等。輕柔的美聲妙韻,配合水療按摩、瑜珈冥想等活動,舒解心神、緩和工作帶來的壓力令心境平和和寧靜,滿足自在,讓身、心、靈得以潔凈。

When asked the secret of his peaceful way, the Indian philosopher and sage Krishnamurti replied, "I don't mind what happens." It isn't that Krishnamurti didn't care, but that he was entirely comfortable within himself and trusted life to flow for his highest good. When we feel truly connected to our Source, our level of security in all things physical deepens. Setting aside a regular time for listening to this music can help you slip into your connection and find true contentment from within.

Sacred Spa Music Series - 2008 - Contentment 水療音樂系列 2 知足常樂

. Rhythm of the Tides 6:18 Gandalf from Colors of a New Dawn

2. The Calling 4:59 George Skaroulis from Numinous

3. The Year of Living Dangerously 5:21 Anastasi from CinemOcean

4. Blue Lullaby 5:39 Thierry David from Ocean Rhapsody

5. Forever 3:54 Danny Wright from Do You Live, Do You Love

6. Teach Me to Whisper 7:01 Liquid Mind from Liquid Mind VI: Spirit

7. A Heavenly Gift 4:22 Gandalf from Lotus Land

8. This Moment Now 3:55 Russel Walder from Pure Joy

9. The Sea at Midnight 5:03 2002 from Across an Ocean of Dreams

10. Fields of Gold 4:51 Kevin Kern from Imagination’s Light

11. Surrender 6:42 Omar Akram from Free as a Bird

12. Heading West 3:15 Mike Howe Original Composition

Juggling our busy lives with to-do lists and constant activity is, in its way, an attempt to bring about peace, yet doesn't necessarily quiet the mind. And quieting the mind for some period of time each day is critical to our long-term health and wellbeing. Regular listening to this music will leave you feeling good and bring about a way of being from which you can approach any situation in your life with wisdom and balance.

Sacred Spa Music Series - 2008 - Finding balance

1. Secret Lagoon (Paul Lawler)

2. Tree of Life (Paul Avgerinos)

3. Walking through Clouds (Bernward Koch)

4. Icarus (2002)

5. Forgive Me (Thierry David)

6. In My Life (Kevin Kern)

7. Waves of Delight (Gandalf)

8. More than Words (Russel Walder)

9. Immortal Thoughts (Bernward Koch)

10. Valley of Healing Waters (2002)

11. Flowing Bamboo (Karunesh)

Radiant health is a reflection of a glow from within. While listening to this music, you can relax and let go into the sphere of comfort and beauty the music creates. The heartbeat slows, blood pressure decreases and respiration deepens. The body seizes the opportunity to turn on its healing mechanisms and truly profound relaxation, rejuvenation and healing can occur. A resonance can be established that will attract not only physical, but also mental, emotional and spiritual wellness to you.

Sacred Spa Music Series - 2008 - Journey to Wellness

1. Lady of the Moon :: 2002

2. Prelude to Love :: Hilary Stagg

3. And the Light Is Forever :: Kevin Kern

4. Run Deep :: Mike Howe

5. A River Runs Through It :: George Skaroulis

6. Wings of Sound :: Peter Kater

7. Bells of Himalaya :: Frank Steiner Jr.

8. Lullaby for Grownups :: Liquid Mind

9. Stargazers :: Omar Akram

10. The Sound of Still Water :: 2002

11. Fairy Wings :: Kevin Kern

12. Timeless Ways :: Hilary Stagg

13. Clouds :: Mike Howe


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